My Work
Enthusiastic and certified Data Science Master's student with a robust background in end-to-end data engineering, cloud computing, and machine learning. Proven leadership in managing teams, implementing Agile methodologies, and delivering impactful data-driven insights across diverse industries. Welcome to my Project Page.

This is my AWS Glue ETL Project. AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL (extract, transform, and load) service that makes it simple and cost-effective to categorize your data, clean it, enrich it, and move it reliably between various data stores and data streams. It supports python and spark languages.
This is a simple data pipeline on Azure platform. We will use Tokyo Olympic data available on Kaggle. We will extract data from Github, ingest it into Data Factory and then store it into Data Lake Gen 2. Then we wll use transformation using Azure Databricks and store the transformed data back to Data Lake. Finally I will build a dashboard using Azure Synapse Analytics.


Using The Witcher Novels we will create a Social Network of characters using Network Analytics. We will generate a network graph of all the characters and will try to answer the following questions.
What are the most important characters ?
How their importance evolves over time ?
Main communities in the network ?
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